Monday, December 27, 2021

All India Judicial Services(AJIS) and the rejection of this idea by the High Courts in India

 All Indian Judicial Services (AJIS) is a Central Government proposed national level recruitment process to appoint various district level judges in line with All India Administrative Services (IAS) undertaken by the Union Public Services Commission (UPSC). 

Out of the 30 High Courts (HCs) in the country, 4 HCs accepted the proposal, 8 HCs opposed to the idea of AJIS, 5 HCs sought changes to the current proposal, and 13 HCs did not respond to the Union Ministry's proposal. 

The major concern that was raised by the opposing High Courts is the dilution or erosion of the federal structure. This is a certainly debatable point. And in mature democracies, this is more than welcome. 

On the other hand, it also depicts the orthodox approach to the HCs. AJIS system can be formed as a transparent mechanism with proper checks and balances and by overcoming the loopholes of the current administrative services appointment system. This requires a progressive thinking. Further it also depicts the apprehensions of the judicial head-honchos of the political leadership as they know the political machinery in the country are prone to abuse the system. 

So , even though its a progressive proposal, it definitely needs a positive mindset to analyse in detail and build a judicial appointment system that would be based on sheer merit. 

It will not be easy as you need reforms for  reforms like you need plans to make plans. 





Sunday, February 17, 2013

Internet and Wisdom

Just came through a link to an article on FT.. “Net Wisdom”. Here the writer describes about the possibilities a reader and a writer has on the net. Here the writer tells about four lessons that he learnt from the last five years of continuous reading from the net. The four lessons that he describes so beautifully in the article are listed below..

ü     This is a great time to be a reader
ü     The writer is everything and the publisher (with a few exceptions) is nothing.  
ü     We overvalue new writing, almost absurdly so, and we undervalue older writing.
ü     The internet is a force for brevity

Here he elaborates these beautiful points and these are so true and real. As I have earlier mentioned in my earlier writing that the word “blog” is so ugly and yet so popular in the reading community. It’s simply because so many people write on so many diverse areas and its all you get on just a click of a mouse.  Simple and yet so powerful.

Please go through his article on “Net Wisdom” on and his website where he recommends 6-10 pieces of reading that are worth your valuable time.

So what’s the point of mentioning these things in a blog. Nothing much but getting a sense of satisfaction in sharing the knowledge or rather source of knowledge with my community on twitter and facebook. It’s something in which I get satisfaction and happiness. So friends , if you enjoy the writing or any link to any knowledgeable source please comment and if it really irks you, just ignore. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

My First Day as a Blogger

Do i have it ....i don't know.. should i explore that in me ..oh yeah .. why not ...
This is the feeling that made me blog .. or rather write something. I am not very much comfortable with the word "blog". I am in a dilemma now on what to write as this will be first ever print of my thinking on some not so familiar medium.

A library in My Village-- How you contribute to the society from which you have drained so much for your own good? Is it not our duty to give something to the society ? In any manner. In any form. The purpose is to  serve the simplest of the causes of the society. 

To do something for the society in a constructive manner is what made my sleep vanish for some days now. I tried to think what can i do for my community. This created certain restlessness in my mind. On one fine day , while i was going through my fathers's study, I got this idea of establishing a Library in my community which will be dedicated to my father. 

In my view, libraries are the super warehouses of knowledge. As warehouses are meant to store and supply your day to day living necessities, similarly libraries are your knowledge warehouses. You just have to explore what you want. Libraries bridge the communication gap. Its a medium of transfer of  history, culture, values, and ideas. New generations will shape their future and old generations will keep up with the new changing world. This is what libraries will do. This is the objective. 

So now I am firm on establishing a library. 

I think I should stop now till i get something more interesting and some updates on this library stuff. Hope you guys keep track of this. Please do post comments. Bye ..catch u later.